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Fur & Hair

Posted in: Fur & Hair
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August 23, 20149 years ago

Is your fur or grass misbehaving?

Fur or grass poking through surrounding surfaces

Have you ever tried applying fur, hair or grass to an item, only to have bits of it poking through where it doesn't belong... through eye sockets, ears or perhaps grass penetrating rocks? Well, this week's article will show you what you need to do to solve this problem.

January 20, 201113 years ago

Studio Environment Set 501 Kit

Date Feb 20, 2011
Areas Covered

If you've thinking of purchasing Yazan Malkosh's Studio Environment Set (SES 501 Kit), you can't go wrong in watching this webinar to see what's in it and how you can use it.

Presenters  Jim Berton & Yazan Malkosh